A Dating & Music Podcast

Life, Music & Entertainment?

Comedic podcast discussing life as a young woman in the world today.

Riley Nelson Headshot


About Riley

Riley is a young woman learning about life, love, music, and relationships. She has a wild tenacity for life and all things music. As a recent college grad, Riley shares her insights on life and dating outside of college and in your early 20s. Join in and laugh along with her tragic dating journey!


Creative, fun, and educational

Join us weekly on Spotify and Apple Podcast for topical conversations about life and entertainment as a young woman navigating her way through the world. Share your own stories. You might be invited as a guest to discuss your story! In the end, we will all laugh, cry, argue and reflect. We might just learn something together about humanity … gems we can use in our own lives.

Give Us The Scoop

Anonymously Of Course

We frequently get dating stories from people about their successes, failures and obstacles. They come in all types:

  1. Hurdles
  2. Bumps
  3. Pits
  4. Dangers
  5. Epiphanies
  6. Successes
  7. Leveling Up

…you get the point. We all have successes and failures in our lives, but we learn from every one of them. Feel like sharing your latest experience … anonymously of course? If you do, share it here and we’ll try to address it in our podcast.

Tell us your love & music tales or offer a topic/guest suggestion


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